Life lately

Let’s switch things up again… as I move my newsleter to a new platform, this Blog may take a little turn into quicker bite sized updates.

I’m currently in the sun, watching a hercules circle turtle mountain from the deck realizing that while coronado may be a distant memory I am creating a more fulfilling version of that in the mountains right now. Surrounded by people I love & that support & cheer me on deeply, and easefully connecting into a new community with people reaching out to collaborate on energy work, sessions, workshops, retreats & also to just go sit in nature together And celebrate life…

This is everything I wanted san diego to be, this is the love & fulfillment I tried to force that place to be. The ease I’ve been craving well over a year… the magic that I am used to colliding with consistently & it’s here.

And, it looks nothing like I thought I would in my humble loft, unpacked from 2 years of living half out of suitcases and half out of my car ( I called it my luxury Mobile home) … and damnnnn does it feel good to feel full with the simplicities of life.

It feels good to be real with myself, to sit down and plan in my business & in my bank account & get really real with the life I want to bring forward, the business I want to bring forward … the relationships I want to foster, cultivate & nourish.

It’s all here when we let it be all here. I believe I Could’ve received this a year sooner with some different life choices… and yet I wouldn’t be here telling you so certainly that I know who the heck I am, I know what I want from life, my relationships, my careers & in my day to day life… i flailed in these spaces for so long. Sometimes it takes a deep dark night of the soul on cocaine to make us feel full by our own damn heart. sometimes it’s turning away from those already pouring into your cup and thinking there’s something/one else out there that we’re seeking to turn back and appreciate our foundation, family, our people and business already loving up on us and supporting us.

so here I am, in crowsnest pass, letting my roots dig deep into the wise mountain wisdom with no desire for planes, trains, or automobiles.

Here I am, taking on clients in a new town with no knowing if it’s going to take off, if I’m going to stay here long term but knowing I’m right where I need to be.

KNowing I get to choose month to month what needs to change in solluna, how often I want to be there and what wants to be created, breathed into in my personal and business life… while anchoring into this beautiful country and the spaciousness i once took forgranted.

maybe, i’ve always been canadian after all.


Deepest Soul Truths


Dosey Doe