Happy Year of the Dragon

Happy Lunar New Year šŸ‰ šŸ§Ø 

Itā€™s the year of the wood dragon, officially! As a Dragon myself hereā€™s what I have to share:

Go create & lean in to the life of your dreams, donā€™t let fear of the energetics between your animal & the dragon determine your mindset and outcomes this year. If youā€™ve been in my life longer than my Acupuncture career you KNOW how much I bought into predetermined good and bad years and months and avoiding living in an address with a 4. After years playing in the energetics I think itā€™s all here just to guide & give us some bumpers to consider living off of. The energy of the year is part of a 12 year cycle and thereā€™s no escaping any part of the cycle, so let it transform you how itā€™s meant to. Itā€™s just a slice of the pie that will help you understand and enjoy the whole eventually. I love reflecting on where I was 12 years ago and what themes ran that year ā€” how I would take different action if those lessons came back across my plate. The less we resist the area of life the current year shines light on, the more easeful the transition to the next piece is.

The past year cycle has taught me life is a long game preparing us for death, kinda sick, yet beautiful huh? Donā€™t be led astray by the size of the waves or clarity of the water, the dragon doesnā€™t let fear lead.

I remember the owner of my school wearing red socks every day the year it was his animal. You wear red every day to counteract the energy for that year / for fear of a hard year or energetic attacks is how Iā€™ve perceived it anyway. He did have a hard year, the school was locked out of their space overnight, his thriving personal clinic started its demise, he had to find a new school & it went on. I just watched him amidst a lot of chaos sometimes buy into it, sometimes tell me lies to see if I was trustworthy and would go spread those. It was fascinating to observe how fear of shit hitting the fan ran his life that yearā€¦ but that fear also worked to my advantage in graduating and working early because he signed off on paperwork others thought I hadnā€™t worked hard enough or long enough to deserve yet šŸ˜ā€¦ jokes on them, the dragon ways yo! 

When I scan out at the bigger picture I look at what heā€™s built as a result of that year of unravel and how heā€™s expanded and see that what we saw as chaos and what Iā€™m sure felt like hell to him in many unknown moments of trying to control ā€” that paved the way for a much more supportive business requiring less of his hustle conditioning. This gave him the means to pursue his actual passions within TCM, his love of money and maybe laundering it (just my one of many hypotheses) and a much bigger impact that the school is making. The school expanded far more than any of us saw happening & while I still think heā€™s a bit sketch Iā€™m grateful for his vision that led me and many practitioners to get to live out our purpose.

So yes, maybe Iā€™m scared that my year is doomed and I need to stand upside down at midnight to save myself from a year of suffering, but Iā€™m working through it. Naturally I went to my Chinese Momma mentor seeking some talisman or red gold trinket to buy but when I asked my mentor what to do to prepare I was instantly reminded why sheā€™s my sage.

ā€œItā€™s up to you how you live it, make it a good year.ā€ She also scoffs after you ask dumb questions that try and satisfy your mind because you donā€™t trust your heart  ā€” reminding you youā€™ve just squandered her precious time for something beneath both of you, which is truly how I learn best.

I donā€™t mentor others how I receive mentorship FYI. šŸ˜‚

As a dragon the qualities Iā€™ve loved most, for those who thought I would actually speak to this ā€¦ 

We are lucky because we push and persevere ā€” call it what you want but it annoys others when dragons seemingly unprepared by others standards open the door and receive exactly what they had been needing delivered to them at the last moment. I watch the wheels turn, it drives people nuts as they were thinking the dragon was ā€˜finally going to learn the lesson that they had ā€˜comingā€™ for not colouring in the rule book linesā€™ but aha ā€” the dragon blazes a new trail.

Thereā€™s a reason the Chinese want to have a baby in the year of the dragon. Use this energy to your advantage and lean into this ā€˜shit always works out magicallyā€™ energyā€¦ wisely and with perseverance of course.

Youā€™re already leading people, people are already watching you somewhere in your life ā€” what impact do you want that to have?

Iā€™m on a flight back to YMM writing this, and wanted it to be a beautiful reflection on what felt like ā€¦ a whole life cycle in 44 days but all I really have is a cracked open heart full of gratitude. When we have our head held under water temporarily the pressure teaches us beautiful truths and makes us appreciate the days above water taking in the sunset and beautiful landscape weā€™ve created. 

This time in San Diego really felt like THE homecoming. Iā€™ve had layers in landing the last years of living, uncovered many beautiful truths and moments of heart openings but this was an initiation. As many of you witnessed it was more emotional than I have outwardly been ever and it was hard to be where Iā€™ve wanted to be and be with so much that wasnā€™t pure joy and so much that was my emotional stew to own. Life gave me the most beautiful practitioners and people to lean into at the exact right moments to deliver what was needed. I donā€™t fully know why Iā€™ve started sharing the entirety of my heart here but I consistently keep coming back & so I trust it lands for someone and allows you to see the reality that has been my schooling, career, starting a biz and travelling. Itā€™s always been this messy, Iā€™ve always felt & loved this big ā€¦ what I realized is that itā€™s scared others and me off when Iā€™ve been all of thisā€¦ and unfortunately that makes us stuff it away and think itā€™s not acceptable. Butā€¦ itā€™s neglecting a part of us, when life was really just helping us refine and rung up so we could get to truly living quicker.

The only thing worse than witnessing others rejecting or not knowing what to do with all of us, is us turning our backs & rejecting ourselves. I really think it locks up our potential to create full throttle in business and life when we armour up our heart. 

I hope on this journey of allowing my heart to keep cracking open & remain that way through all chapters it reminds someone else out there that itā€™s safe, life is better even if my previous emails have made it sound otherwise. The unknown is scary, especially when we have expectations for the life weā€™ve wanted or thought would be the key to happiness. 

And yet, the way happiness is experienced and lived on this side of the initiation feels really real, really true, really certain, really pure. Maybe Iā€™m late to the game and you all have already found this, or maybe itā€™s a reminder to some that the thing youā€™ve been seeking, the feeling you seek on all your travels and interactions really is guiding you back to your heart. Itā€™s always been the key to my business, but Iā€™m excited to watch what happens when it floods everything else. 

Hereā€™s to all the things that make your heart fully home in the coming year. Trust in the discomfort and newness that wants to move on in and expand you. šŸ‰

Iā€™ll be here along side you, trusting this dragon energy to carry us on through to a new reality.


Take the Dance with Uncertainty


Krystalā€™s First Newsletter