Krystal’s First Newsletter

To my clients & countless clients turned friends & shareapists past & current…

I’ve felt it’s time for a while, but today the pulse hit me that it’s time to bring a newsletter to life. Like all great creations, I believe we create for ourselves. We create because the soul is seeking to be seen, heard, felt & by giving it an outlet and platform that in itself is the success, the end result. Taking the time & space to let your soul unravel without a deadline, purpose, expected outcome… that’s art, that’s the magic, that’s IT my friends… atleast that’s what I’m claiming at this part in my journey. So, in classic Leo fashion, this newsletter is just here, to honour me, my journey, my soul. Hopefully it ignites something in you to give your own soul an outlet to be seen, loved, valued, heard. If our paths have diverged over the years and my content & direction no longer jives, unsubscribe below.

This last few years has been a rollercoaster of trial and error, of throwing it all out there in an effort to find home and find myself — a deep desire for peace & belonging. To those of you that have followed along, cheered along & shared your hearts with me along the way — I’ve been reflecting & been extra grateful for you all the last few months because you have witnessed the full humanness of my journey, and what a shit show at times in the pendulum swings, AM I RIGHT?

This journey has been the most exhilarating, the most freeing, the most liberating, the highest summer euro highs & also riddled with the biggest flops, the biggest mess ups, deep cracking heart breaks & lessons on a personal mission to ‘figure it out.’

What I didn’t know when Solluna started to take form in June 2021 was that it was going to become this beautiful heart extension and support system to allow me to explore the depths of this life, but it would also take me deeper into my body & soul than I had been, and with it would surface some really shitty trauma that I never wanted to find or have to be with — the stuff I helped others move through and expose but was always grateful I was spared but am now grateful to have discovered, because it took me to layers of living and vulnerability I would’ve ran from for life.

Krystal back then would’ve closed the door & settled on a different life if she would’ve known who she would have to become, what she would have to expose, the conversations she’d have to have to land here… in a still very vulnerable, unknown and sometimes deeply lonely, longing space. Solluna has shown me you can create your once biggest dream and outwardly create all the things you dreamt of, but none of it can make you whole, none of it will stop the ‘seeking,’ dare I even say…. ‘chasing.’

Solluna became the most loving creation, the most unique, quirky and loving community and family that has allowed me to unravel over and over again to a core, to my soul, which I sit here in beautiful Coronado, California observing this version of myself that I don’t recognize anymore. This version of me that I’ve cried almost daily the last year to uncover and get to know. I’ve dreamt about the ocean for as long as I can remember, but as I make bolder moves to spend more time here shit has gotten real.
Who do I have to become to receive & SUSTAIN the life I’ve dreamt about?

How does this raw & simplistic stripped away version of me show up & lead herself? What does she even eat anymore? What is fun, what brings joy when she stops consuming or booking trips, no constant dopamine hit? How does she have compassion for who she has been to others? How does she make sure the sunset & ocean always make her feel whole?

How does she lead as an example for others while remaining absolutely authentically aligned to the core of sharing the full spectrum of the reality of the chaos that is her life?

How does she help others see that the chaos, the trial and error, the flops & the detours ARE the catalysts that will uncover others passion & truth for life & living?

How, how, how… do we start to step out of the mind, out of the fears, out of HOW & into the HOPE that it’s all unravelling, all happening for us?

In short, we go out and find inspiration, we go out and catch the waves of aliveness that are out in the LIVING.

This is why coming to the ocean is so non negotiable for me. I love my YMM family & community… but simply I do not love the person I am when I live there full time. She loses her magic, her shine, her hope and love for life because she gets pulled into DOING over LIVING.

Now — shouldn’t home be anywhere you are? Once you’ve ‘achieved’ spiritual success you can walk around reminding others until you love yourself you’ll never feel home anywhere or with anyone… right?

All I can say is…

All the theories and beliefs I had on life, spirituality & relationships have been burned down to the ground the last year. I’m here to humbly say I know shit… it’s different for every person and everyone is just out there spouting off valid to them & resonates with them theories, in a fleeting chapter of their life.

I’m done buying into theories, into people who have answers for me and my highly unique body & soul.

No one has the definitive answers for you. No one is coming to save you. At some point we all wake up and question an aspect of our life and have 2 choices: wake up & take action or roll over and one eye the reality that just slapped you awake before pretending to still be sleeping.

On a what was meant to be rainy and cloudy day in SD, I look out with my cacao — continually forcing this heart to crack open because while I don’t buy into theories I’ll sure shit entertain a good cacao bean with the hope of it opening my heart enough to land the man. The sky has cleared, the sun is shining and while I haven’t hit any bullet points or wrapped this note in a neat bow with a beautiful take away for you… it’s time to get back to the living, the aliveness so that we can experience more and more moments of aliveness, of joy, of rememberings of the soul out there between the mundane, the doing, the ‘shoulds.’

A big heap of love from Reese & I from this beautiful, unknown Coronado chapter. I’ll make the next one more aesthetically pleasing… but like I said… life is for living and creations are for our soul to feel seen & heard. The rest is fluff my friends.



Happy Year of the Dragon


Maybe Chaos is Paving the Express Lane